Research interests

sociology of mental illness, sociology of deviance, system family therapy, alcoholism, suicide


Slađana Dragišić Labaš completed her BA, MA and PhD studies at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy Belgrade. She teaches Sociology of Mental Illness and Sociology of Deviance, in undergraduate studies, as well as a number of courses in MA and PhD studies. She worked at the „Dr Laza Lazarević“ Psychiatric Hospital in Belgrade. She has been part of the expert teams which ran the Club of Treated Alcohol Addicts, and the Youth Club (gathering persons with psychiatric issues). She has had many years of experience as practicing psychotherapist in system family therapy, particularly in treating addictions. Her research topics include the connection between various social factors and the emergence of mental illness, especially among the young, the elderly, and in marginal groups, stigmatization of psychiatric services users, suicide and family violence related to psychoactive substance abuse. Another recent topic is active aging. Since joining the Faculty of Philosophy (2010), she has been on the team of the Institute for Sociological Research project „Challenges of New Social Integration in Serbia: Concepts and Actors“ (No. 179035). Additionally, she has been involved in projects „Educating Therapists for Working in Clubs of Treated Alcohol and Other Psychoactive Substance Addicts“ (completed in 2010), and „Psychoeducational Workshops and Workshops Focused on Problem Solving for Teams Working with Vulnerable Groups“ (2018). She is a member of the Serbian Sociological Society, Sociological Association of Serbia and Montenegro, National Association for Psychotherapy, European Association for Psychotherapy, Association for Children and Adolescent Psychiatry – DEAPS, Gerontological Society of Serbia, and Association of Clubs of Treated Alcoholics of Serbia.

Selected publications

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2019. Samoubistvo – različiti diskursi, Beograd: Službeni glasnik.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2018. Suicidno ponašanje u zatvoru, Sociologija, Vol. LX, br. 4, 788-798.

Dragišić Labaš, S. Ljubičić, M. 2018. Zloupotreba alkohola i partnersko nasilje u Srbiji: primeri institucionalne podrške, u: Čekerevac, Nastasić (ur.) Pojedinac i grupa u terapiji bolesti zavisnosti, 92-107.

Dragišić, Labaš, S. Ljubičić, M. 2018. Aktivno starenje migranata povratnika: prikaz slučaja, Zbornik radova, Savremene migracije i društveni razvoj: interdiscilinarna perspektiva, 123-136.

Dragisic Labas, S. 2018. Re-partnership in later life: Do seniors have a right to love? (case study), Ageing and Human Rights, Belgrade: Gerontoligical society of Serbia, 153-163.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2017. Nova kultura upotrebe alkohola: binge drinking  – “konzumacija umesto komunikacije” (prikaz slučaja), Kultura, 157: 67-84.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2016. Viktimizovane i stigmatizovane žene u „alkoholičarskom partnerstvu“, Sociološki pregled, Vol. L, No 1:41-58.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2016. Stariji roditelji i odrasla deca: tradicionalan odnos ili bliskost na daljinu?“ Sociologija, Vol. LVII, posebno izdanje, 287-305.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2016. Aktivno starenje u Beogradu, Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog Fakulteta i Službeni glasnik.

Dragišić, Labaš, S. 2016. Fizičke aktivnosti i aktivno starenje u Beogradu: analiza narativa, Gerontologija, XLIII, 2: 5-17.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2015.  Alcohol use: social aspect, gender differences and stigmatization. Alcoholism and Psychiatry Research, 52: 51-64.

Dragišić Labaš, S 2015. Kvalitetno starenje: dve životne priče. Gerontologija, god. 42, br. 1, str. 23-37.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2015. Nasilje u porodici i upotreba alkohola: mere obaveznog lečenja i prikaz slučaja” Sociologija, Vol  LVII, No 2: 259-273.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2014.  Rođenje deteta i kriza partnerstva: prikaz slučaja i partnerska terapija”, Sociologija, Vol. LVI, No 4: 474-494.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2012. Alkoholizam u porodici i porodica u alkoholizmu, Beograd: Čigoja štampa.

Dragišić Labaš, S. (2012). Čovek i alkohol u društvu – od podsticanja do odbacivanja, Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog Fakulteta i Čigoja.

Selected presentations

Ristic Dimitrijevic, R. Dragisic Labas S. Ristic, B. Ljubičić, M. 2018. Effects of continuous group psycho-education and psychotherapy on reducing experience of stigma in late adolescents, IACAPAP, 23-27 July, Prague.

Ljubičić M. Dragišić Labaš, S.  2018. O (samo)stigmatizaciji klijenata i terapeuta : kako javno mijenje o partnerskom nasilju utiče na psihoterapijske prakse. u: Milivojević, Zoran (ur.)  Knjiga rezimea. Novi Sad: Psihopolis institut, str. 261-262.

Dragišić Labaš, S. Ristić Dimitrijević, R.  Ljubičić, M. 2017. Alcohol use among adolescents in Serbia, 17th International Congress of ESCAP, Geneve.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2016. Upotreba alkohola u populaciji mladih pripadnika LGBT, IV DEAPS kongres, Mentalno zdravlje dece i mladih: pogled u budućnost, Zlatibor, maj 12-15.

Dragišić Labaš, S. Ljubičić M. 2015. Alcohol use: gender differences and stigmatization, 20th EAP Congress, Gender and Psychotherapy, 19-21 June, Athens, Greece.

Ristic Dimitrijevic, R., Dragisić Labas, S. 2015. Effects of Group Psychotherapy on reducing depression in late adolescents, European Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 24 (Suppl 1):S1–S303, 20–24 June, Madrid, Spain.

Dragišić Labaš, S. Bobić, M. Ljubičić, M. 2013. Postmoderne bračne i porodične forme: novi izazovi za sistemske porodične terapeute, III Kongres psihoterapeuta Srbije, Pripadnost i različitost, integracije u psihoterapiji, Beograd, 17-20 oktobar.

Dragišić Labaš, S. 2013. Promene u alkoholičarskom braku: razmatranje efekata sistemske porodične terapije, VII Međunarodna lošinjska škola o alkoholizmu, Mali Lošinj, Hrvatska u organizaciji Zajednice klubova lečenih alkoholičara Hrvatske, 31. maj – 2. jun.

Dragišić Labaš, S., Ljubičić, M., Nenadović, M. 2011.  Alcohol abuse, depression and anxiety of juvenile delinquents, The conference of the International Society of Adolescent Psychiatry and Psychology (ISAPP), Berlin.