The aim of the edited volume “Experiencing Postsocialist Capitalism – Urban Changes and Challenges in Serbia” is to explore current urban developments in Serbia, a former Yugoslav country, three decades after socialism.
Contributions in this book deal with challenges stemming from the socio-spatial transformation of Serbian cities under the influence of intensive process of neoliberal urbanisation, as well as with the reactions of urban actors in the specific context of postsocialist capitalism.
The first part of the book, entitled “Neoliberalized Socio-Spatial Transformations”, gives a fine-grained overview of the processes that transform urban spaces in Serbia as induced by neoliberal urbanization. These processes are manifested in various ways but mainly through instances of profit gentrification, urban megaprojects, the rise of socio-spatial inequalities and the commodification of urban cultural practices.
The second part of the book, “Urban (Re)actions: Awakening of Urban Movements”, focuses on the role of various urban actors and their confrontational strategies in the context of aggressive investor-led urbanization, a captured state and a weak civil society, burdened with corruption, informality and an evident lack of protection for urban public goods. The accent is on urban grassroots initiatives, bottom-up struggles and the creative practices of the “losers” in neoliberal urbanism.