Research interests

value orientations, class analysis, social movements, theories of social change, historical sociology


Jelena Pešić studied sociology and graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. She obtained her PhD degree in 2016 at the same faculty, with the thesis Value orientations in post-socialist Serbia and Croatia (under the supervision of Professor Mladen Lazić). She works at the Department of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy (Belgrade) since 2005. Currently, she holds the position of Assistant Professor. She paid study visits to the University of Tromso (Norway), University of Minnesota (USA), and Inter-University Center in Dubrovnik (Croatia). Also, she worked as a Researcher at the projects supported by the European Commission (InTune and Dioscuri – 6th Framework Program), CAPITO project of the Institute for Human Sciences – Vienna, RRPP project (Informal Practices of Capturing Economic Resources by Political Elite: Exploring Party Patronage in Kosovo and Serbia) and several other academic and non-academic projects. Currently, she is engaged as a Researcher within two academic projects:  European Social Survey and Transnational Political Contention in Europe – TraPoCo (Erasmus+, Jean Monnet). She is a member of the Sociological Scientific Society of Serbia.

Ongoing projects
Transnational Political Contention in Europe – TraPoCo
Erasmus +, Jean Monnet, project No. 620881-EPP-1-2020-1-IT-EPPJMO-NETWORK

1. Marginal Environmentalism: Examining Local Environmental Activism in Serbia

2. State of Environmentalism in Contemporary Serbia and the Role of the EU

3. Brief Overview of Socio-Historic Development of the Environmental Movement in Serbia – from State Socialism to Capitalist Periphery

Selected publications

Vukelić Jelisaveta, Pešić Jelena. 2023. The unusual weakness of the economic agenda at protests in times of austerity: the case of Serbia. East European Politics (online first).

Spasić Ivana, Pešić Jelena, Babović Marija. 2022. Sociology in Serbia. A Fragile Discipline. Springer Nature/Palgrave Macmillan.

Pešić Jelena, Vukelić Jelisaveta. 2022. Europeanisation from below at the semi-periphery: The Movement against small hydropower plants in Serbia. Sociologija, vol. 64, no. 1 (5-27).

Pešić Jelena. 2021. Pandemija i neoliberalni diskursi. In: Spasić Ivana (ed.) Pandemija, društvo i simbolički poredak: javni diskursi u/o krizi izazvanoj pandemijom kovida 19. Beograd: Filozofski fakultet.

Pešić Jelena, Birešev Ana, Petrović Trifunović Tamara. 2021. Political Disaffection and Political Disengagement in Serbia. Sociologija, vol. 63, no. 2 (355-380).

Pešić Jelena, Petrović Jelisaveta. 2020. The Role and Positioning of the Left in Serbia’s “One of Five Million” Protests. Balkanologie. Revue d’etudes pluridisciplinaires, vol. 15, no. 2.

Pešić Jelena. 2020. Covid, Mobility and Self-isolation. Experiences od Serbia Citizens in the Times of Global Pandemic. Sociologija, vol. 62, no. 4 (467-485).

Pešić Jelena, Petrović Trifunović Tamara, Birešev Ana. 2019. Politička kompetencija i konsolidacija kapitalizma u Srbiji: analiza (ne)davanja odgovora na stavove o poželjnom političkom i ekonomskom poretku. In: Lazić Mladen, Cvejić Slobodan (ed.), Stratifikacijske promene u periodu konsolidacije kapitalizma u Srbiji, Beograd: ISI FF.

Pešić Jelena. 2018. Karakteristike strukturne i vrednosne-ideološke divergencije populacije i elita u kontekstu globalnog uspona i krize neoliberalizma. In: Pešić Jelena, Backović Vera i Anđelka Mirkov (eds.), Srbija u uslovima globalne krize neoliberalnog oblika kapitalističke regulacije, Beograd: ISI FF.

Pešić Jelena. 2017. Politička participacija učesnika Protesta protiv diktature. Sociologija, vol. 59, no. 4 (452-475).

Pešić Jelena. 2017. Promena vrednosnih orijentacija u postsocijalističkim društvima Srbije i Hrvatske. Beograd: ISI FF.

Pešić Jelena, Stanojević Dragan and Marija Babović. 2017. The Culture of Political Clientelism: Norms Underpinning Clientelist Relations and Practices in Serbia. Sociološka revija, vol. 18, no. 2 (43-65).

Petrović Jelisaveta i Jelena Pešić. 2017. Između integracije, bezbednosti i humanitarnosti: stavovi građana Srbije o migrantima. Stanovništvo, vol. 55, no. 2 (25-51).

Lazić Mladen i Jelena Pešić. 2017. Making a New Consensual Elite in Serbia. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, vol. 8, no. 3 (195-219).

Lazić Mladen i Jelena Pešić. 2014. National and European identities among political elites and population in European countries. In: Biti Vladimir (ed.), Reexamining the national-philological legacy: quest for a new paradigm?, Amsterdam – New York: Rodopi.

Pešić Jelena. 2013. Rodna perspektiva u proučavanju migracija. Sociologija, vol. 55, no. 2 (317-332).

Lazić Mladen i Jelena Pešić. 2013. Društvene promene i promene vrednosnih orijentacija pripadnika osnovnih klasa u Srbiji. U. Lazić Mladen i Slobodan Cvejić (ur.), Promene osnovnih struktura društva Srbije u periodu ubrzane transformacije. Beograd: ISI FF – Čigoja štampa.

Lazić Mladen and Jelena Pešić. 2012. Making and Unmaking State-Centered Capitalism in Serbia. Beograd: ISI FF.

Selected presentations

Pešić, Jelena & Vukelić, Jelisaveta. 2022. Transnationalisation vs Green Nationalism: Discursive Framing of Recent Environmental Struggles in Serbia, Transnational Political Contention and European Integration, BOKU, Vienna, 21-22 September 2022.

Pešić, Jelena. 2018. Restructuring of the Class Relations in Post-Socialist Serbia, Social innovativeness in Europe and Asia, Polish Academy of Sciences and Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Warsaw, 11-12th October 2018.

Pešić, Jelena & Marija Babović. 2017. The Role of Sociology in Post-Socialist Transformation in Serbia, 9th Slovenian Social Science Conference on “Social Transformations: The Global and the Local”, Ljubljana, 21-23rd September 2017.

Pešić, Jelena & Jelisaveta Vukelić. 2017. Stavovi građana Srbije prema izbegličkoj i migrantskoj populaciji: slučaj migratornog talasa 2015-2017 godine, Urbana bezbednost i urbani razvoj, Fakultet bezbednosti i Arhitektonski fakultet, Beograd, jun 2017.

Pešić, Jelena. 2017. Karakteristike strukturne i vrednosno-ideološke divergencije između populacije i elita u kontekstu globalnog uspona i krize neoliberalizma: slučaj Srbije, Globalna kriza neoliberalnog oblika kapitalističke regulacije i lokalne posledice: slučaj Srbije, Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Filozofski fakultet, Beograd, 17-18. novembar 2017.

Pešić Jelena & Mladen Lazić. 2017. Recruitment of Political Elite in Serbia, Elites in Crisis. Looking Back and Looking Ahead, Corvinus University, Budapest, 19-20th May 2017.

Pešić Jelena, Babović Marija & Dragan Stanojević. 2016. The Culture of Political Clientelism: Values and Norms Underpinning Clientelist Relations and Practices, The New Challenges of the Sociological Imagination, The Association of the Sociologists of the Republic of Macedonia, Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje, 25-26th November 2016.

Pešić, Jelena. 2016. Value-ideological consolidation of the ruling elites in Serbia during the period of restoration of capitalist relations, New societies, old minorities / new minorities, old societies, The International Conference of the Romanian Sociological Society, Sibiu, 29th September – 1st October 2016.

Pešić, Jelena, Political Capitalism as Broad Social Context of Informality in Serbia. 2015. Informality in Central and South-East Europe: Linkages between Political and Economic Actors, Institute for Sociological Researches Faculty of Philosophy & Secons, Belgrade, 2015.

Pešić, Jelena & Tanja Svilanović. 2015. Promene vrednosnih orijentacija pripadnika političke elite tokom perioda post-socijalističke transformacije: politički i ekonomski liberalizam, Izazovi nove društvene integracije u Srbiji: koncepti i akteri, osnovni rezultati projekta, Filozofski fakultet, Institut za sociološka istraživanja, Beograd, 27. i 28. novembar 2015.

Pešić, Jelena & Dragan Stanojević. 2015. Informal Practices of Capturing Economic Resources by Political Elites: Exploring Party Patronage in Kosovo and Serbia, Social, political and economic changes in the Western Balkans, Regional Research Promotion Programme/ Foundation Open Society Macedonia/ Universität Freiburg, Ohrid, April, 2015.

Pešić, Jelena. 2015. Privatization Processes in the Perception of Serbia’s Citizens, Thinking beyond Capitalism, Institute of Philosophy and Social Theory, Belgrade, June 2015.

Assistant Professor