Research interests

housing and urban policy, territorial identity, socio-spatial exclusion, consumption, socio-spatial distinction


Mina Petrović earned her BA, MA and PhD degrees in sociology at the Faculty of Philosophy, in Belgrade. Betweem 1988 and 1997 she worked at the Center for Demographic Research of the Institute of Social Sciences, Belgrade, studying fertility and nuptiality. Since 1997 she has been part of the Faculty of Philosophy, working on subjects from the areas of urban sociology and rural and sustainable development. These are the topics of both her teaching in various courses at the Department of Sociology, and her research within projects of the Institute for Sociological Research as well as academic and policy-related projects sponsored by the EU and other international organizations. Between 2003 and 2006 she held a postdoc grant at the London School of Economics. She is a member of the European Sociological Association, European Housing Studies Network, Sociological Association of Serbia and Montenegro and Serbian Sociological Society.

Selected publications

(2018) Gradovi u ogledalu: između identeta i brend imidža, Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja Filozofskog fakulteta Univeriziteta u Beogradu, str. 1-179. (koautorstvo sa Toković, M.)

(2017) The Brand Potentials of Soft Factors of the Territorial Capital: a Study of eight Medium-sized Cities in Serbia. Sociologija i prostor, Vol 55(1): 135-153.

(2017) Vezanost za mesto i migracione namere stanovništva: primer osam gradova u Srbiji, Stanovništvo, Vol 55, No 2: 1-24 ( (koautorstvo sa V. Backović I I. Petrović)

(2017) Stambena isključenost Roma u centralnoj i jugoistočnoj Evropi i Srbiji. U: Varadi, T. I Vukasović- Macura, Z. (ur.), Stanovanje Roma u Srbiji. Stanje i izazovi. Beograd: Srpska akademija nauka i umetnosti, Odeljenje društvenih nauka (knjiga 107)

(2016) Neoendogeni razvoj gradova i ekološki paradoks: studija slučaja šest gradova u Srbiji, Sociologija, poseban broj LVIII, str. 181-209. (koautorstvo sa Toković, M.)

(2015)   Mayors as Creators of the Role of General Urban Plan, Serbian Architectural Journal, Vol. 7(3): 419-438. (koautorstvo sa Marijom Marunom, Vladanom Đokićem)

(2014)  Društvo i gradovi: između lokalnog i globalnog, Beograd: ISI Filozofskog fakulteta Univerziteta u Beogradu i Čigoja štampa, str. 1-242.

(2014)   Contemporary globalisation and territorialisation of society: Identity dimension in  Serbia,  Teorija in Praksa, let.51.special edition: 131-147.

(2014)   Reafirmacija susedstva kroz prostorne prakse regulisanja poželjne prostorne i društvene distanciranosti, Sociologija i prostor, 199 (2): (koautorstvo sa M. Milojević).

(2014)   Teritorijalni identitet: između lokalnog i globalnog, Sociologija, Vol LVI, No1: 23-40.

(2013)   Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Serbia, European Journal of Homelessness, Vol 7, No.2, 267-286.(koautorstvo sa M. Timotijević)

(2013)   “Serbia: A patchwork of Local Options”, In: J. Hegeds, M. Lux, N. Teller (eds) Social Housing in Transition Countries, Routledge, str. 244-261.

(2013)   Housing Exclusion  of the Roma: Living on the Edge, In: J. Hegedus, M. Lux, N. Teller (eds) Social Housing in Transition Countries, Routledge, (koautorstvo sa Teller, N, i Berescu, C ), str. 98-113.

(2013)   The Transformation of the Governance Regime in Serbia: Public Participation and Environment Decision Making, (koautorstvo sa J. Vukelić) U: Gordon, Cl., Kmezić, M., Opardija, M (ur), Stagnation and Drift in the Western Balkans: The Challenges of Political, Economic and Social Change, Peter Lang, str. 93-116.

(2011)   The Belgrade wall: The proliferation of gated housing in the Serbian capital after socialism, International Journal of Urban and Regional Research Vol 35, No 4: 753-777 (koautorstvo sa S. Hirt)

(2010)   Children’s and parents’ perspectives on risks and safety in three Belgrade neighborhoods, Children’s Geographies, Vol. 8. No.2, 141—156. (koautorstvo sa Tomanović, S.)

(2010)   The Gates of Belgrade: Safety, Privacy and New Housing Patterns in Post-Communist City, Problems of Post-Communism, Vol. 57. No.5: 2-20 (koautorstvo sa S. Hirt).

(2010)   Socijalna isključenost u ruralnim oblastima Srbije, Beograd: UNDP, str. 1-120 (koautor)

(2009)   Transformacija gradova: ka depolitizaciji urbanog pitanja, Beograd: ISI Filozofskog fakulteta u Beogradu, str. 1-334.

Selected presentations

(2017) Environmental Issues on Mayors’ Urban Agenda: the Case of Serbia. Konferencija: 13th Conference of European Sociological Association: (Un)Making Europe – Capitalism, Solidarities, Subjectivities, Athens.

(2016)   Cultural Heritage and Searching for Identity in Post Socialist City: Two Case Studies from Serbia, Konferencija: Post-Socialism: Hybridity, Continuity and Change, Center for Empirical Cultural Studies of South-East Europe, Niš; University of Zurich, Novi Sad: TIMS, Educons University,  25-26.6.2016. (koautorstvo sa M. Toković)

(2015) Attitudes towards Residential Space: The Case of Belgrade, Konferencija Evropske sociološke asocijacije, Inequalities and Sociological Imagination, Prag, 25-28 avgust.

(2015)   Households’ material position, working and consumption strategies: regional and urban-rural differences in Serbia, Konferencija: Freedom & Necessity: Class Differences, Lifestyles and Coping Strategies in the Times of Economic Crisis, Institut društvenih znanosti Ivo Pilar i University of Zurich, Split, 3-4 oktobar.

(2014)   Cities as specific social arena: Four case studies in Serbia, ESA Middle Term Conference, Public Spaces and Private Lifes in Contemporary Cities, Portugalija, Lisabon, 19-22 Novembar, 2014.

(2013)   Private rental housing in Serbia. Konferencija: Emerging Private Rental Housing in Accession and Transition Countries: Is there an Option for Social Rental Agencies. Metropolitan Research Institute, Budapest, 12-14 September, (rad objavljen u izvodu).

(2012)   Homelessness and Housing Exclusion in Serbia (koautorstvo sa  М. Timotijević) European Research Conference: Access to Housing for Homelessness in Europe, University of York, 21st September, 2012.

(2012)   Developing of responsible citizens in Serbia: the case of ecological citizenship, 1st European Conference on Political Attitudes and Mentalities, ECPAM’2012, University of Bucharest,  3rd to 5th September, Bucharest.

(2011)   The Transformation of the Governance Regime in Serbia: Public Participation and Environment Decision Making (sa J. Vukelić),  RRPP Annual Conference Social, Political and Economic Change in the Western Balkans; University of Fribourg, maj 2011, Pržno, Crna Gora.

(2011)   Sustainability of Environmental Activism in Post-socialist Serbia. Konferencija: ESA 10th Conference Social Relations in Turbulent Times, University of Geneva & Swiss Sociological Association, Švajcarska, Ženeva, 7-10.9. 2011. (koautorstvo sa J. Vukelič)

(2010)   Residential segregation in post-socialist Belgrade. Konferencija: Following Transition. Corvinus University, Budapest, 27. Novembar.