The book aims to provide a snapshot of the emergent phenomenon of “new fatherhood” in Serbia. This term entails a high degree of involvement of fathers in caring for their children, values and practices of gender equality, and men’s highly developed parental identity. Combining quantitative and qualitative methods, the author first uses the data collected in a comprehensive empirical research of family life to outline general tendencies and cultural, social and intra-familial factors shaping practices of fatherhood in Serbia. The second part is devoted to a qualitative analysis of narratives collected by in-depth interviews with fathers who display the properties of the new fatherhood pattern. At this level, the book offers the reader profound and substantive insights into the transition to fatherhood, relations with the spouse/partner and with the child, as well as the way in which these fathers experience themselves and the father role in general – all that in the context of family and social dynamics in Serbia today.