We are planning to publish within the Springer book series the book Challenging Gender Frontiers: Societal, Legal, Medical, and…
New Publications

Jelisaveta Vukelić
Environmental Sociology: From Theory to Practice (2022)
The book Environmental Sociology: From Theory to Practice deals with the development of Environmental sociology from its beginnings in the early 1970s until present day. The main goal of the book is to examine the theoretical scope and practical (applied) capacities and limitations of Environmental sociology, with a special focus on climate change, as the greatest environmental threat today.

Jovo Bakić (ed.)
Istraživanja nacionalizma u Srbiji početkom 21. veka (2021)
The book comprises the works of the younger generation of sociologists, based on the empirical research of different forms of nationalism.

Smiljka Tomanović
On Their own Path. Longitudinal qualitative research of the social biographies of young people (2021)
The study presents a part of the findings from the longitudinal qualitative research that the author carries out with a group of young people for the decades, since their childhood.