Oblasti interesovanja

prostorna i urbana sociologija, društvena ontologija, antropocen


Dr Stefan Janković (Beograd, 1987) je završio diplomske, master i doktorske studije sociologije na Filozofskom fakultetu Univerziteta u Beogradu, gde trenutno radi kao docent. Takođe, angažovan je kao predavač na Arhitektonskom fakultetu na istom univerzitetu. Za master rad Kulturna proizvodnja i urbani prostori: primer sociogeneze njujorških grafita, dobio je Nagradu dr Zoran Đinđić za najbolji diplomski, master ili magistarski rad u filozofskim i sociološkim naukama. Tokom 2015. godine, stručno se usavršavao kroz studijski boravak na Odeljenju za istorijsku sociologiju na Karlovom univerzitetu u Pragu, Češka republika. Od 2018. godine, on je i Direktor terena u Nacionalnom timu Srbije za Evropsko društveno istraživanje. Naporedo sa angažovanjem na brojnim nacionalnim i internacionalnim istraživačkim projektima, autor je brojnih članaka, poglavlja u monografijama, kao i kourednik monografije Towards Understanding of Contemporary Migration. Causes, Consequences, Policies, Reflections. Njegova područja interesovanja i ekspertize obuhvataju društvenu ontologiju, epistemološke izazove savremenih društvenih nauka, preko prostorne i urbane sociologije, sve do društvenih praksi i svakodnevnog života.

Objavljeni radovi (izbor)

Milovanović, A., Cvetković, N., Šošević, U., Janković, S., & Pešić, M. (2024). Synergies between land use/land cover mapping and urban morphology: A review of advances and methodologiesLand, 13(12), 2205. https://doi.org/10.3390/land13122205

Janković, S. (2024) Gradovi, antropocen, infrastrukture. O urbanoj ontologiji neizvesnosti, Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja.

Janković, S. (2024) A New Climate for Human Nature? Navigating Social Theory through Postnature, the Anthropocene and PosthumanismPhilosophy and Society 35 (1): 1–28.

Janković, S. (2024) Navigating Uncertainties in the Built Environment: Reevaluating  Antifragile Planning in the Anthropocene through a Posthumanist Lens, Buildings 14 (4): 857. https://www.mdpi.com/2075-5309/14/4/857

Janković, S. (2023) Šta se zbiva posle? O postkritici i akritičkim perspektivama, u Priručnik kritike, Ivković, M., Radinković, Ž. (ur.), Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju (IFDT), str: 537-578.

Janković, Stefan (2023) Pjer Burdije i Bruno Latur, u Pjer Burdije: radikalna misao i praxis, Mladenović, I., Zarić, Z., Urošević, M. (ur.), Beograd: Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju (IFDT), str: 474-505.

Janković, Stefan (2023) Anthropocene/disorder. An Outline for Associative Urbanism, in: The International Handbook for Sustainable Heritage Management and Design: Notions, Methods and Techniques, Loren-Mendez, Mar et al. (eds.), University of Belgrade – Faculty of Architecture, pp. 296-307.

Janković, Stefan (2023) Kako artikulisati klimatsku varijabilnost? Antropocen, pravo i „parlament stvari“, u: Klimatske promene: pravni i društveni izazovi, Nikolić Popadić, S., Milenković, M. (ur.), Beograd: Institut društvenih nauka, str: 214-244.

Janković, Stefan (2022) Ko se (ne) boji klimatske apokalipse? O planetarnim perspektivama političke teologije antropocena kroz nove slike Zemlje. Etnoantropološki problemi 17 (4):1449–1482.

Vesković Anđelković, Milica, Bobić, Mirjana, Janković, Stefan (2022) Rizici i šanse savremenih migracija, Beograd: Institut za sociološka istraživanja.

Janković, Stefan (2021) A stronger sense of place is possible: Anthropocene, non-relationality and chiasms. Serbian Architectural Journal, 13 (3): 158-184.

Janković, Stefan, Toković, Milena (2021) Why are the Institutional Injustice and the Lack of FairnessOmnipresent in Serbia? A Pragmatic Assessment of Plural Orders of Worth. SOCIOLOGIJA, Vol. LXIII (2021), N° 2: 236-261.

Janković, Stefan (2021) Usred neizvesnosti: pandemija, zavere i formatiranje stvarnosti. Uticajpandemije kovida-19 na društvene i psihološke posledice. Vuletić, V. (ed). Filofozfski fakultet, Beograd: 73-86.

Janković Stefan, Resanović, Milica (2020) Arrangements, Semiotic Links and Evaluations:Purifying the Familiar Environments from COVID-19 Among Serbia’s Young Professionals, Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy, Vol 11, No 2 (2020), 147-151.

Janković, Stefan (2020) Social After Pandemic Distortion: Towards Thinking in Planetary Terms. Sociološki pregled, LIV (3)/2020, 1008-1038.

Koelemaij, Jorn, Janković, Stefan (2019) Behind the Frontline of the Belgrade Waterfront: A Reconstruction of the Early Implementation Phase of a Transnational Real Estate Development Project, Experiencing Postsocialist Capitalism: Urban Changes and Challenges in Serbia, Petrović Jelisaveta, Backović, Vera (eds.). Belgrade: Institute for Sociological Research, 45-65.

Janković, Stefan (2019) Sociološko polje, fraktalne distinkcije i moral: o povoju analitičke sociologije. Sociologija. Vol. LXI, No. 1, 5-31.

Bobić, Mirjana, Janković, Stefan (ur.) (2017) Towards Understanding of Contemporary Migration. Causes, Consequences, Policies, Reflections. Institute for Sociological Research, Serbian Sociological Association, Belgrade.

Bobić, Mirjana, Janković, Stefan (2017) Introduction: A New Spectre Haunting Europe?. Towards Understanding of Contemporary Migration. Causes, Consequences, Policies, Reflections. Bobić, Mirjana, Janković, Stefan (ur.). Institute for Sociological Research, Serbian Sociological Association, Belgrade: XIII-XXVI.

Janković, Stefan. (2017) Stuck In-between: Exploring the Liminality Inside the Migratory Transfer to Europe. Towards Understanding of Contemporary Migration. Causes, Consequences, Policies, Reflections. Bobić, Mirjana, Janković, Stefan (ur.). Institute for Sociological Research, Serbian Sociological Assocation, Belgrade: 241-267.

Izlaganja na konferencijama (izbor)

Milovanović, A., Pešić, M., Šošević, U., Cvetković, N., & Janković, S. (2024). A dictionary-driven review of digital methods and tools for urban patterns decoding: SPATTERN perspective. In R. Bogdanović (Ed.), On architecture: Shaping the city through architecture, Strand conference proceedings (pp. 149–157).

Janković, Stefan (2024) Popular, Plotting or Provisional Urbanization? Delineating the Socio-spatial Effects of Emerging Peripheries in Belgrade, 16th Conference of the European Sociological Association Tension, Trust and Transformation, University of Porto, Porto, August 27-30, 2024.

Janković, Stefan (2023) More Planet, Less Borders? On Post-Politics, Climate Articulation and Unorthodox Jurisprudence in the Anthropocene Times, Contesting 21st Century B/Orders: International Conference, Viadrina Center B/ORDERS IN MOTION, European University Viadrina, September 07—08, 2023.

Janković, Stefan (2023) Emerging peripheries, reassembling realities? Exploring the New Morphologies and Forms of Urbanisation on Belgrade Peripheries, Keynote lecture held at 30th International Seminar of Urban Form (ISUF2023): Praxis of Urban Morphology, Faculty of Architecture – University of Belgrade & International Seminar of Urban Form, Belgrade, September 05—07, 2023.

Janković, Stefan (2023) Recomposing Urbanism in the Anthropocene: Navigating the Tensions Between Resilience and Antifragile Urbanism, Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, Ljubljana, 14-17 June.

Janković, Stefan (2022) There is More Beyond: Non-relationality, Object-Oriented-Ontology and the Conundrums of “Surplus” Reality, WHY STILL EDUCATION? Humanism, Posthumanism, Anti-humanism: Educational Perspectives, Univerzitet u Beogradu, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, 5-7. oktobar, Beograd.

Janković, Stefan (2022) “We Don’t Have Else To Go”: Engaging with the Fractal Geometries of Peripheralization, Infrastructures and Everyday Life on the Outskirts of Belgrade, RC21 Conference 2022 – Ordinary cities in exceptional times, International Sociological Association, Athens, 23-27 August

Janković, Stefan (2022) A Resilience is What We Need: Encountering the Anthropocenic Uncertainty Through Infrastructures, Open Forms and Bio-digital Aesthetics, RE-MHN PhD Talks, Arhitektonski fakultet, Univerzitet u Beogradu, 12 maj, Beograd.

Janković, Stefan (2021) Unfolding A Semiosis Of Non-Presence: On Situational Ontology Of Viscous Cycle, Imagining the Non-present, Antwerpen University, Online Edition, 6 September – 4 October 2021

Janković, Stefan (2021) Dismantling Post-socialism: The Conceptual Promise of the ‘Global East’ and its Fallacies, RC21 CONFERENCE 14-16 July 2021 Online Edition

Janković, Stefan, Resanović, Milica (2021) Breaking through the Pandemic Incertitudes: From Hazy Health Care Instruction to Commensuration of Worths among Serbia’s Young Professionals. Social Justice in Times of Uncertainity, Congress of the Swiss Sociological Association, Geneva, June 28-30, 2021.

Janković, Stefan (2021) Prostorne zagonetke antropocena: Geja, planeta, ontološke mutacije i mogući putevi ka geocentričnom saznanju. Srpska arheologija između teorije i činjenice. Centar za teorijsku arheologiju, Beograd, 27-28. mart 2021.

Janković, Stefan (2020) “Pjer Burdije i Bruno Latur”, Horizonti angažmana: ovekovečiti Pjera Burdijea, Institut za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Centar za napredne studije Sveučilišta u Rijeci, École Normale Supérieure iz Pariza i Francuski institut u Srbiji, Beograd, 22-23. decembar 2020.

Janković, Stefan (2020) “On Planetary Encounters: How to Forsake the Ecological Vacuum of Modernist Platform?” THE POLITICAL CONSEQUENCES OF THE PANDEMIC The 2020 Annual International Conference of the Serbian Political Science Association The Faculty of Political Science, University of Belgrade, 26-27 September 2020